BI provider Qlik has launched its product releases for June. Especially Qlik Sense has been extended with some new features. But there are also news regarding NPrinting.
The data visualization software Qlik Sense has received innovations in the areas of Advanced Authoring, visualizations and mobility. The highlights are:
Improved Advanced Authoring
With Qlik Sense June 2019, the possibilities for Advanced Authoring were expanded. For example, values from a table cell can now be copied quickly and easily to clipboard. Previously, this was only possible via detours. In addition, a new grid layout allows developers to choose the rendering method to sheets on small screens. In addition, the new version contains extensions to the container object (e.g. better integration capabilities).
New visualization options
Two new diagram types were introduced as part of the visualization bundle. The Trellis container, for example, can be used to create small multiples of a master visualization. This new visualization type is particularly suitable for showing trends across several dimensions.
A special highlight is also a new P&L pivot table, which offers various customization options for easier creation of financial reports (e.g. profit and loss statement).
In addition to the two new chart types, the bar chart based on Picasso.js has also been improved and an “exploration” menu for the map allows the user to toggle layers, adjust object size as well as change base map, map language, legends and zoom mode.
Mobility enhancements
With the June release, the Qlik Sense Mobile App for iOS and Android also supports mobile push notifications. Administrators can send system notifications to their users. The Notifications can be sent to all users or to a specific subset and can include a deep link into a dashboard, if required. In this way, users can be notified of updates to a certain dashboard or new system events.
New features in Qlik NPrinting
As part of the June release wave, the Qlik NPrinting reporting platform was also updated. Among other things, the solution was equipped with advanced search filters, which give report developers better control over report creation. In addition, user import tasks can now be executed via APIs and included in a task chain.
The following video gives a brief overview of all Qlik product innovations in June:
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