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Stay up to date: Easy migration from QlikView to Qlik Sense

Migration from QlikView to Qlik Sense

Due to the  development of software and technology, every company should be recommended to switch to a BI solution of the next generation soon, in order to stay connected. BI-Vendor Qlik offers its customers several options  to solve the transition from QlikView to Qlik Sense as easy as possible.

Many companies still use QlikView, although the advantages of its successor product Qlik Sense can no longer be ignored. In addition to numerous functional advantages, Qlik Sense offers more and more comprehensive updates every 10 weeks. QlikView is revised only once a year and is not going to be  functionally evolved anymore. Moreover, Qlik Sense, unlike QlikView, is web-based and offers more compatibility with other interfaces and products.

In order to remain up to date in the future, companies should therefore consider switching from QlikView to Qlik Sense or running both products in parallel. Qlik offers various options for migrating as easily as possible: Cancellation and new purchase, license conversion and parallel operation via the Qlik Analytics Modernization Program.

Complete migration to Qlik Sense

If a complete migration is chosen, the QlikView maintenance must be cancelled and a new Qlik Sense subscription must be purchased. It is possible to continue using QlikView anyway, but there will no longer be any entitlement to updates and support. The recalculated costs for Qlik Sense then depend on the choice of the desired deployment option. For example, Qlik Sense can be operated in either  a SaaS (cloud) or client-managed (on-premises) model. In addition, the “Professional User”, “Analyzer User” and “Analyzer Capacity User” license models are available.

Remix – conversion of licenses

A complete change is also possible by converting QlikView licenses into Qlik Sense licenses (only perpetual to perpetual). In this case, only Qlik Sense is used. The annual maintenance remains the same after completion of the remix. A conversion is only possible to “Professional Users” (Named CALs to “Professional Users” in a ratio of 1:1 and Document CALs to “Professional Users” in a ratio of 4:1). Subsequent licensing is only possible with “Professional Users” and “Analyzer Capacity Users”. A purchase of “Analyzer Capacity Users” is not possible in the purchase model.

Parallel use via the Analytics Modernization Program

In addition, it is possible to use both products in parallel via the Analytics Modernization Program from Qlik after signing a Qlik Sense subscription for a three year period. QlikView will be eliminated after three years. Until then, the old maintenance corresponds to the new annual costs. When the client-managed option is selected, the customer relinquishes the QlikView purchase right. In contrast to the remix model, a conversion into “Professional User” and “Analyzer User” is possible (Named CALs to “Professional Users” in a ratio of 1:1, Document CALs to “Professional Users” in a ratio of 4:1 and Document CALs to “Analyzer Users” in a ratio of 1:1). The Analytics Modernization Program offer is valid until June 30, 2021.

We would be happy to explain to you in a personal meeting which migration option offers which advantages and is best suited for your company. Contact us!

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